Marty Ashfield
Marty Ashfield
  • 821-228-9201
  • 92 Brown Street
    New York, New York
Abbey Kyhl
Abbey Kyhl
Contact Info
Contact Info
Amy Payne
Amy Payne
  • 2914 Trawick Rd
    Dothan, West Virginia
  • 2818134654
  • 1286 Boland Place
    Richmond Heights, MO
  • 2818134654
Chase Thomas
Chase Thomas
  • 821-228-1123
  • 821-228-1123
Marty Ashfield
Marty Ashfield
  • 821-228-9201
  • 92 Brown Street
    New York, New York
  • 821-228-9201
Peninsula Church
Peninsula Church
  • 7046642958
  • 687 Brawley School Rd
    Mooresville, NC
  • 7046642958
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Booking Date
  • All Day
Lead Added
  • 12:30 PM
Engagement Session
  • 9:00 AM - 10:00 AM
Shoot Date
  • All Day
  • Infinite Loop, Cupertino, CA 95014, United St
Wedding Collection
Partially Paid Past Due CA$9,774.50 #SS-00014
Collection #3 1 CA$8,650.00
Wedding Coverage - 12 Hours 1 CA$1,922.22
Engagement Session 1 CA$160.19
Digital Files - Wedding 1 CA$2,471.43
Wedding Album - 10x15, 20-Spreads 1 CA$3,501.19
Additional Spread 5 CA$0.00
Engagement Book - 6x8, 15-Spreads 1 CA$594.97
Invoice #1 CA$1,500.00 int(235195)

Invoice #2 CA$4,325.00 Past Due int(235196)

Invoice #3 CA$2,825.00 Past Due int(235197)

Engagement Book Order
CA$2,825.00 #SS-00015
12x18 Inches Canvas 2 CA$450.00
24x36 Inches Canvas 1 CA$650.00
6x8, 15-Page Engagement Book 1 CA$1,400.00
Additional pages 5 CA$0.00
Invoice #1 CA$2,500.00 int(775565)

Engagement Print Order
Invoiced Past Due CA$248.60 #SS-00033
11 x 14 Inches (Print) 1 CA$95.00
Digital File 1 CA$125.00
Invoice #1 CA$220.00 Past Due int(806004)

 Mary & Chase Engagement jh lkjh Order
Invoiced Past Due CA$254.25 #SS-00044
12 x 18 Inches (Canvas) 1 CA$225.00
Invoice #1 CA$225.00 Past Due int(815562)

 Mary & Chase Engagement jh lkjh Order
Invoiced Past Due CA$254.25 #SS-00045
12 x 18 Inches (Canvas) 1 CA$225.00
Invoice #1 CA$225.00 Past Due int(815564)

 Mary & Chase Engagement Marty Ashfield Order
Invoiced Past Due CA$440.70 #SS-00046
12 x 18 Inches (Canvas) 1 CA$225.00
12 x 18 Inches (Print) 1 CA$165.00
Invoice #1 CA$390.00 Past Due int(818325)

 Mary & Chase Engagement Marty Ashfield Order
Invoiced Past Due CA$226.00 #SS-00047
Digital File 1 CA$125.00
Invoice #1 CA$200.00 Past Due int(923918)

Mary & Chase Wedding Brenah Order
Invoiced Past Due CA$714.75 #SS-00048
20 x 30 Inches (Canvas) 1 CA$575.00
Invoice #1 CA$640.00 Past Due int(947285)

 Mary & Chase Engagement Marty Ashfield Order
Invoiced Past Due CA$192.10 #SS-00049
11 x 14 Inches (Print) 1 CA$95.00
Invoice #1 CA$170.00 Past Due int(1097362)

Wedding Contract
  • Abbey Kyhl Demo on May 3, 2018
  • Mary Thomas on May 3, 2018
View Contract

Wedding Contract

Today's Date:
May 3, 2018

Mary Thomas

Wedding Date:
August 11, 2018

Wedding Collection:

Payment Schedule:

This agreement made this May 3, 2018 by and between Bryan Caporicci Photography, and Mary Thomas (CLIENT), contains the entire understanding between Bryan Caporicci Photography and the CLIENTs. There is no understanding between the parties verbal or otherwise than contained in this agreement. It supersedes all prior and simultaneous agreements between the parties. The only way to add or change this agreement is to do so in writing, signed by all the parties. If the parties want to waive one provision of this agreement, that does not mean that any other provision is also waived. The party against whom a waiver is sought must have signed the waiver in writing.

Terms & Conditions:

1. Payments – An initial retainer fee of $1500 is required with the signed contract to hold shooting dates and pre-production planning. Retainer fees are non-refundable. An additional 50% of collection total is due within 30 days prior to the above stated service date. The remaining payment is due following the above stated service date, prior to the delivery of online proofs.

2. Delivery of Finished Product – Bryan Caporicci will deliver the photo(s) to the client or the client is welcome to pick-up their photo(s) in person. Photo(s) can also be shipped at an additional cost. Online Proof Gallery will be available within 35 days of the above stated service. Printed materials (albums) take 6-8 weeks from order date.

3. High Resolution Files – Where the ownership of the high-resolution digital files (negatives) are included with the package, you agree to assume full responsibility for the care and condition of CD-Rom/DVD-Roms. Bryan Caporicci recommends storing copies in several locations, including off site storage. Bryan Caporicci is not responsible for the colour reproduction of enlargements from these files that been taken to non-professional and/or consumer type labs. Bryan Caporicci will keep a copy of these files for 1 years after the date of the above stated service. Requests for additional and/or replacement copies of these files will incur an additional cost of $300/set.

4. Continuous Hours – this contract covers the hours specified on a continuous basis. Overtime requests on the day of the wedding will be signed and approved by either member of the booking party as stated above and payment will be due upon delivery of the proofs.

5. Time Required – The customer should attempt to provide Bryan Caporicci with adequate time to perform the photo shoot portion. Bryan Caporicci cannot be held responsible for timelines that do not run on schedule and subsequently cut down the time allotted for photos, thereby not providing the couple with all the photos expected. Bryan Caporicci will also not be responsible for photos that are not completed due to the possibly uncooperative nature of the individuals to be included in any photographs. It is the couple’s responsibility to inform all participating parties, that the photos are occurring and as to where and when.

6. Permits – The client is responsible for obtaining all necessary permits required for photo locations and to make arrangements to have said permit available on the wedding date.

7. Copyright/Usage – Bryan Caporicci will retain the copyright of the photographs and permission is hereby given for Bryan Caporicci to use these photos for future advertising, studio display, competition, exhibits and/or reproduction.

8. Exclusive Rights – It is understood that Bryan Caporicci is the exclusive Official Photographer retained to perform the services requested in this contract

9. Postponement / Cancellation – In the event of postponement or cancellation of the affair/contract, Bryan Caporicci will use the retainer fee towards a replacement date that is suitable to our schedule.

10. Studio Liability – Bryan Caporicci will take the utmost care with respect to the production, post-production and delivery of the photo(s). However, in the event Bryan Caporicci fails to comply with the terms in this contract, due to any event or act outside the control of Bryan Caporicci, is limited to the retainer fees ONLY.

11. Travel Expenses – Bryan Caporicci charges $0.40 / KM for travel expenses (First 100 KM no-charge) unless otherwise stated.

12. Fees – an administration fee of $25.00 will be applied to NSF Cheques.
Send thank you card
Abbey Kyhl Sharon Mar 28, 2021
Send Pinterest board for inspiration
Abbey Kyhl Sharon Sep 24, 2020
Post teasers to Instagram
Abbey Kyhl Sharon Mar 26, 2021
Order anniversary print
Abbey Kyhl Sharon Feb 5, 2022
Wedding Day Details
Awaiting Response
Engagement Session Details
Awaiting Response
Wedding Day Details
Awaiting Response
Wedding Day Details
Awaiting Response
Phone Call Notes
Private Nov 26, 2019

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Quisque vestibulum felis eget sem fermentum feugiat. Duis ac sagittis dui, scelerisque semper risus. Morbi volutpat neque eget lectus congue interdum. Suspendisse ornare ex sit amet ultricies sagittis. Donec pretium augue id nisi vehicula, ut lobortis sem finibus. Curabitur vel leo in ligula varius faucibus non quis urna. In non vestibulum dui. Phasellus mollis tincidunt ligula sed mattis. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nam volutpat ipsum scelerisque, porta dui a, ornare ligula. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque eleifend suscipit risus, vel volutpat sapien suscipit eget. Maecenas gravida sapien eget cursus ornare.

Etiam quis nunc iaculis, porttitor ex ac, imperdiet ligula. Nullam eget urna vel nisi imperdiet laoreet. Morbi placerat sodales ligula, at viverra augue scelerisque id. Nulla at libero at nulla facilisis hendrerit sit amet et augue. Ut pellentesque feugiat turpis, ac condimentum diam malesuada a. Vivamus ipsum risus, consectetur eleifend tortor sed, dictum hendrerit ante. Nulla pretium quam justo, quis lacinia ipsum ornare sed. Aliquam aliquet velit mauris, a facilisis enim tincidunt ut. Duis aliquam nulla quis nisl dignissim facilisis. Vestibulum porta, dui in suscipit accumsan, metus sem euismod sem, at scelerisque libero felis at lacus.

Pellentesque enim purus, consequat non lobortis eu, mattis ut sem. Sed lobortis a urna sed ultrices. Nullam enim velit, auctor sed arcu sit amet, finibus egestas justo. Vivamus et ullamcorper felis. Fusce mauris sem, eleifend ac est sed, finibus auctor libero. Ut tincidunt interdum sapien non fermentum. Nullam non neque eget lacus egestas feugiat ac ac justo. Suspendisse potenti. Pellentesque id rhoncus purus. Sed sed egestas neque. Curabitur in hendrerit purus, non malesuada ante.

Vestibulum ac lorem nulla. Duis viverra, diam vitae dapibus convallis, lorem neque consectetur lorem, ut scelerisque dolor est ac massa. Proin ut ligula sit amet lorem lobortis fermentum. Integer eget sem id dolor rutrum malesuada vel ut ex. Vestibulum vel quam sollicitudin, aliquam risus a, lobortis felis. Nunc aliquam eros id tempor imperdiet. Nullam massa mi, pharetra in elit ut, feugiat maximus urna. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Nunc pharetra egestas lorem at ultricies. Aliquam erat volutpat. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Integer eget neque quis lectus accumsan porttitor.

Fusce ullamcorper ornare augue, eget ornare ante. Sed scelerisque leo arcu, non egestas ante facilisis sed. Maecenas eros nibh, tincidunt et metus eget, interdum facilisis purus. Praesent vestibulum mi mi, a venenatis urna interdum at. Proin mattis eget massa quis tempus. Donec non nisl interdum, consectetur neque in, imperdiet arcu. Mauris in volutpat tortor.

Coffee @ meet-and-greet
Bryan Caporicci CA$3.50 CAD Jul 6, 2018
Sub-Total CA$3.50 CAD
Tax CA$0.00 CAD
Total CA$3.50 CAD
Hotel @ engagement session
Bryan Caporicci CA$169.50 CAD Feb 14, 2019
Sub-Total CA$150.00 CAD
Tax CA$19.50 CAD
Total CA$169.50 CAD
Travel to meet-and-greet (23MI)
Bryan Caporicci Jul 6, 2018

Travel to engagement session (142MI)
Bryan Caporicci Feb 14, 2019

 Mary & Chase Engagement
Gallery Live

Published (May 3, 2018)




Mary & Chase Wedding
Gallery Live

Published (Oct 30, 2019)




Untitled Gallery
Virtual IPS Gallery Draft Aug 22, 2022


Aug 22, 2022




All attached invoices and contracts are on the following pages.

Today's Date:
May 3, 2018

Mary Thomas

Wedding Date:
August 11, 2018

Wedding Collection:

Payment Schedule:

This agreement made this May 3, 2018 by and between Bryan Caporicci Photography, and Mary Thomas (CLIENT), contains the entire understanding between Bryan Caporicci Photography and the CLIENTs. There is no understanding between the parties verbal or otherwise than contained in this agreement. It supersedes all prior and simultaneous agreements between the parties. The only way to add or change this agreement is to do so in writing, signed by all the parties. If the parties want to waive one provision of this agreement, that does not mean that any other provision is also waived. The party against whom a waiver is sought must have signed the waiver in writing.

Terms & Conditions:

1. Payments – An initial retainer fee of $1500 is required with the signed contract to hold shooting dates and pre-production planning. Retainer fees are non-refundable. An additional 50% of collection total is due within 30 days prior to the above stated service date. The remaining payment is due following the above stated service date, prior to the delivery of online proofs.

2. Delivery of Finished Product – Bryan Caporicci will deliver the photo(s) to the client or the client is welcome to pick-up their photo(s) in person. Photo(s) can also be shipped at an additional cost. Online Proof Gallery will be available within 35 days of the above stated service. Printed materials (albums) take 6-8 weeks from order date.

3. High Resolution Files – Where the ownership of the high-resolution digital files (negatives) are included with the package, you agree to assume full responsibility for the care and condition of CD-Rom/DVD-Roms. Bryan Caporicci recommends storing copies in several locations, including off site storage. Bryan Caporicci is not responsible for the colour reproduction of enlargements from these files that been taken to non-professional and/or consumer type labs. Bryan Caporicci will keep a copy of these files for 1 years after the date of the above stated service. Requests for additional and/or replacement copies of these files will incur an additional cost of $300/set.

4. Continuous Hours – this contract covers the hours specified on a continuous basis. Overtime requests on the day of the wedding will be signed and approved by either member of the booking party as stated above and payment will be due upon delivery of the proofs.

5. Time Required – The customer should attempt to provide Bryan Caporicci with adequate time to perform the photo shoot portion. Bryan Caporicci cannot be held responsible for timelines that do not run on schedule and subsequently cut down the time allotted for photos, thereby not providing the couple with all the photos expected. Bryan Caporicci will also not be responsible for photos that are not completed due to the possibly uncooperative nature of the individuals to be included in any photographs. It is the couple’s responsibility to inform all participating parties, that the photos are occurring and as to where and when.

6. Permits – The client is responsible for obtaining all necessary permits required for photo locations and to make arrangements to have said permit available on the wedding date.

7. Copyright/Usage – Bryan Caporicci will retain the copyright of the photographs and permission is hereby given for Bryan Caporicci to use these photos for future advertising, studio display, competition, exhibits and/or reproduction.

8. Exclusive Rights – It is understood that Bryan Caporicci is the exclusive Official Photographer retained to perform the services requested in this contract

9. Postponement / Cancellation – In the event of postponement or cancellation of the affair/contract, Bryan Caporicci will use the retainer fee towards a replacement date that is suitable to our schedule.

10. Studio Liability – Bryan Caporicci will take the utmost care with respect to the production, post-production and delivery of the photo(s). However, in the event Bryan Caporicci fails to comply with the terms in this contract, due to any event or act outside the control of Bryan Caporicci, is limited to the retainer fees ONLY.

11. Travel Expenses – Bryan Caporicci charges $0.40 / KM for travel expenses (First 100 KM no-charge) unless otherwise stated.

12. Fees – an administration fee of $25.00 will be applied to NSF Cheques.
  • Abbey Kyhl Demo
    May 3, 2018 (Verified by IP Address:
  • Mary Thomas
    May 3, 2018 (Verified by IP Address: